UNF needs local manufacturing businesses for economic monitoring survey
The University of North Florida Coggin College of Business (CCB) is inviting local businesses in the manufacturing sector to participate in the Jacksonville Economic Monitoring Survey (JEMS). The monthly survey takes less than 20 minutes to complete and will provide important economic predictions helping individual businesses better understand the economic health of the region.
This Local Economic Indicators Project (LEIP) will generate a dozen business indexes and a Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) based on data collected about topics such as change over time in the levels of production, new orders, inventory, price of output and input, employment and more. Similar indexes produced at the national level have long existed and have been proven useful in guiding business decision-making and formulating informed strategies to support the growth of local economies.
The survey targets the manufacturing sector that encompass a wide range of businesses including manufacturing automotive, aerospace, electronics, chemical, food and beverage, textile and apparel, metal, machinery, furniture, plastics, rubber, wood, and paper products.
Businesses interested in participating in JEMS or with questions can email Dr. Albert Loh at cloh@unf.edu.