Notice of Proposed Changes to Tuition and Fees
Pursuant to Board of Governors Regulation 7.001(4), the University of North Florida is providing notice of proposed changes to current University tuition and fee regulations. The proposed changes will be presented to the UNF Board of Trustees at its full board meeting on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. in the Student Union Ballroom, Room 3703 C&D, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32202.
UNF will be seeking approval of the following, effective for Fall 2023:
- Update to tuition and fees associated with the RN-BSN online program for residents and non-residents.
- Approval to increase the per credit hour fee to $204.65 for any undergraduate course taken more than twice.
- As a result of a vendor fee increase, UNF has increased the credit card convenience fee for domestic card payments 2.85% and 4.25% for international card payments.
The proposed tuition and fee updates are a result of guidance from the Board of Governors, to bring the program’s tuition and fees in line with base undergraduate tuition and fee per credit hour rates. The updates can be attributed to the transition from self-supporting to Education and General (E&G) funding and will result in a $43.69 per credit hour reduction in total tuition for resident students.
The tuition collected will be expended to offset the costs of program delivery and all fees collected will go directly to the area in which they are charged to offset the costs of providing those services.
Florida Statutes Ch.1009.24 provides the UNF Board of Trustees the authority to approve University such fees. For questions regarding the notice of proposed changes, please email Stephanie Howell, paralegal, Office of the General Counsel at
To view the changes, visit the Board of Trustees website.