UNF hosts the First Coast High School Ethics Bowl
The University of North Florida will be hosting the 5th annual First Coast High School Ethics Bowl on Saturday, Feb. 4, where approximately 60 high school students from Jacksonville, Gainesville, and the Orlando area will compete.
As part of the National High School Ethics Bowl (NHSEB), teams from high schools including Stanton, Nease, Bartram Trail, Santa Fe, Doral, and Episcopal, will think critically and collaboratively about complex moral issues in a debate-like format. Students get the opportunity to research and analyze current real-world ethical issues, before presenting their findings and critically engaging with other teams and judges. The judges consist of UNF students, UNF faculty, and community members. UNF students are also participating as moderators, some of whom are members of UNF’s ethics bowl student team.
The winning team from this competition will then compete against the winner from the Tampa Bay competition for a chance to compete at the national competition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill later this spring.
The event is organized by Dr. Jonathan Matheson, professor of philosophy at UNF, and is sponsored by the Better Business Bureau of Northeast Florida.