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UNF students enjoy cultural immersion in France

UNF students in front of the Château de ChenonceauSeven University of North Florida students majoring and minoring in French participated in the Languages, Literatures and Cultures study abroad trip to France this summer, with faculty leaders Drs. Pat Geesey and George Rainbolt. The group attended French language studies at the Touraine Institute in the city of Tours, in the Loire River valley region of France.

In addition to the three-week, intensive language course, students studied French culture, history and gastronomy through excursions to castles, museums, galleries, a boat ride along the Seine River and more. The experience culminated with three days in Paris.

The students all received partial support from two UNF French study-abroad scholarships, the Harriet LeMaster Scholarship and the Cascone Family Foundation Study Abroad Scholarship.

*The photo is of the group in front of the Château de Chenonceau.