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Office of Faculty Enhancement presents Presidential Professor Lecture

Dominik headshotThe University of North Florida’s Office of Faculty Enhancement is sponsoring the Presidential Professor Lecture on Tuesday, April 13. The lecture begins at 6 p.m. and the live Q&A begins at 7 p.m. on Zoom. This event only takes place once every four years.

The 2017-2020 John A. Delaney Presidential Professor is Dr. Dominik Güss with UNF’s Department of Psychology. His lecture title is ‘Creativity: da Vinci, Culture and COVID-19.’

Dr. Güss will share three studies arising from his research, all pivoting on the idea of creativity, the driving force of innovation --and a skill that we all have. In his first study, Dr. Güss examines the work of Leonardo da Vinci to reveal the steps of the creative process hidden within. In the second study, he explores ways in which culture influences our creativity. Finally, Dr. Güss argues in his third study that creativity is critical to keeping us well and happy both during the COVID-19 pandemic and in other difficult times.

Gordon F.M. Rakita, Distinguished Professor, Department of Anthropology will serve as the moderator. The Zoom link for the lecture is