On-Campus Recruiting
Employer of the Day
Our Employer of the Day program allows companies to join us on campus for a more personal interaction time with students. This program allows companies to table for a day in an area of campus that has high traffic of the student majors they are seeking while students go between classes..
You must be approved with UNF in Handshake before tabling can be scheduled. Please visit our Getting Started webpage or email emily.pridgen@unf.edu for registration instructions.
This is a FREE event that occurs during Fall and Spring semesters.
What you need to know:
- This event is a casual engagement with students as they go between classes
- A Handshake event will be created for student awareness
- Please provide a company logo and any verbiage you would like included in the event description
- Our marketing team will make students aware of your tabling ahead of time through Handshake emails and TV monitor images around campus
- This event can be scheduled on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday with your chosen timeframe between 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
What is provided:
- 1 Table
- 2 Chairs
Tips for tabling:
- Stand up and move around to let students know you are eager to interact
- Feel free to bring your company branded tablecloth, stand-up banners, etc.
- Company swag and food grabs students attention
- Have copies of jobs posted in Handshake for students to take with them
Market Days
Market Days are structured the same way as Employer of the Day except that you will be located outside at the Student Union Plaza alongside various other vendors during this event.
You must create an account through the Student Union’s space reservation system before tabling can be scheduled. When scheduling a date, it must be approved by a Career Services team member.
This is a FREE event that occurs during Fall and Spring semesters.
What you need to know:
- A Handshake event will be created for student awareness
- Please provide a company logo and any verbiage you would like included in the event description
- This market occurs outside at the Student Union Plaza weekly on Wednesdays between 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
- This market is first come first serve for table selection. Please arrive early.
- You are encouraged to bring a 10 x 10 tent if you choose a table in a sunny area of the Plaza
What is provided:
- 1 Table
- 2 Chairs
Tips for tabling:
- Stand up and move around to let students know you are eager to interact
- Feel free to bring your company branded tablecloth, stand-up banners, etc.
- Company swag and food grabs students’ attention
- Have copies of jobs posted in Handshake for students to take with them
On-Campus Interviews
The On-Campus Interview Program offers employers the convenience of conducting interviews with students directly on UNF campus. Our dedicated team works closely with you to schedule and facilitate a seamless interviewing experience.
This is a FREE event that occurs during Fall and Spring semesters.
What you need to know:
- This event can be scheduled on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday with your chosen timeframe between 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
- We kindly ask that a schedule of students along with their arrival times be submitted for our Front Office Manager's referencing no later than 3 business days prior to the On-Campus Interviews date.
Email emily.pridgen@unf.edu