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African American Faculty and Staff Association
oneColumn handbook

AAFSA Bylaws


The name of this association is the “African American Faculty and Staff Association.”  The acronym for the African American Faculty and Staff Association is “AAFSA”.

ARTICLE II - Mission, Objectives, Vision

Section 1 - The mission of AAFSA is to develop a supportive network for UNF employees of African descent, provide services that meet their needs, and promote cultural, educational, fundraising and civic activities in alignment with the academic mission of the University

Section 2 - The objectives of AAFSA are to:

  • Enhance the University experience for employees of African descent;
  • Coordinate activities and programs;
  • Promote effective communication throughout the University community to enhance awareness of and support the AAFSA mission;
  • Promote networking, collaboration and camaraderie of employees of African descent;
  • Affiliate with other organizations and affinity groups (locally, regionally, nationally and internationally) that support the mission of AAFSA;
  • Promote the scholarly endeavors of UNF for undergraduate and graduate students through a scholarship fund.

Section 3 - The vision of AAFSA is to cultivate and enhance the professional network of every employee of African American descent.

ARTICLE III - Membership

All University of North Florida employees, except for student employees, are eligible for membership. Membership shall be divided into four categories.

Section 1 - Associate members – Any UNF employee interested in the African American Faculty and Staff Association is entitled to be an associate member of this organization.

Section 2 - Voting members – A voting member is restricted to members who have paid their dues for the particular calendar year.

Section 3 - Lifetime member - A voting member who has paid the associated dues for lifetime membership.

Section 4 -  Friends of AAFSA - Anyone who has made a monetary contribution for the current calendar year; and will be extended all membership privileges except for voting

Section 5 -  Memberships are for one year, effective from January 1 to December 31 and are renewed upon payment of the annual membership dues.

Section 6 - There shall be no discrimination or harassment as to AAFSA membership on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, marital status, veteran status or any other basis protected by state and federal law.


Section 1 - Dues for all voting members shall be $25 per calendar year.

Section 2 -  Dues for lifetime members shall be a non-recurring payment of $500.00

ARTICLE V - Meeting of Members

Section 1 - Regular meetings – The members of AAFSA shall meet each semester during a calendar year with proper notification of meeting dates to all members.  There will be one meeting during the following semesters: 1) Fall 2) Spring and 3) Summer.


Section 2 - Special meetings – The President of AAFSA may call a special meeting of the members at any time by directing the Secretary or designee of AAFSA, to call, email or mail notification not less than three (3) days prior to the meeting, which Notice shall set forth the purpose of such meeting.


Section 3 - Quorum – At least thirty (30%) percent of voting members, via electronic votes, shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of voting on any official action of AAFSA. Paper ballots will be available upon request.


Section 4 - Voting and Procedure – Voting Members, as defined in Section 2 of ARTICLE III hereof, are the only persons who are eligible to make motions, second motions and vote on any motions, and are the only members eligible to be an officer or committee chairperson, to serve on committees, to nominate officers and committee chairpersons, and vote for nominees for office.

ARTICLE VI - Officers

Section 1 - The Officers of AAFSA shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Historian/Archivist and Chairpersons of the: Member Affairs Committee, Marketing and Communications Committee, Finance Committee, and Events and Activities Committee.

Section 2 - Election of Officers – All officers shall be elected at the 4th quarterly meeting and shall commence performing their duties January 1.  The term of office shall be two years, not to exceed two (2) consecutive terms. 

  • The election shall be conducted by online voting of the general body, the results of which shall be tabulated by the Supervisor of Elections as appointed by the President. Paper ballots shall be available upon request.
  • If, at any time, an officer is unable to continue in his/her elected post, the President shall nominate and the association shall approve/appoint a member to fill the incomplete term.
  • Any officer who does not comply with assigned responsibilities may be relieved of office by majority vote of the Executive Board, or by a majority vote of Voting Members present at a meeting called for this purpose.  Appointment of a replacement shall be made by the President subject to approval by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE VII - Executive Board

Section 1 - The Executive Board of AAFSA shall be composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Historian/Archivist.


  • President - The President, if present, shall preside at all Regular Meetings of AAFSA.  The President shall call Special Meetings when he or she deems same to be necessary, and shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Board.  The President shall, with the assistance of the Secretary and Parliamentarian, conduct all meetings in accordance with the Bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order; and shall see that all officers perform their duties.  The President shall be an ex-officio member of every AAFSA Committee and serve as an ex-officio member of the University’s Commission on Diversity and Inclusion.  The President shall do and perform any and all other duties that properly belong to the office under usual parliamentary procedure.
  • Vice President -  Shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence.  The Vice President reports directly to the President and will oversee and otherwise perform the duties assigned as directed by the President.  The Vice President may be required to attend other committee meetings for the President.
  • Secretary - Reports directly to the President and shall be responsible for maintaining the e-mail distribution list of current members of AAFSA (information provided by Membership Chairperson et al) and shall be responsible for e-mailing all notices to the Executive Board and AAFSA members regarding Executive Board and quarterly meetings, minutes and other information, etc.  The Secretary will prepare a sign-in sheet for meetings, take Minutes for all meetings, and maintain a Meeting Minutes binder.  Final draft of the completed Minutes will be e-mailed to all AAFSA Voting Members and also the Communications and Technology Chairperson with instructions to add Minutes to the AAFSA website.
  • Treasurer - Shall be the chief financial officer and shall be responsible for all monies collected and disbursements made by AAFSA. The Treasurer will be responsible for all of the funds of the Association and shall collect all dues.  The Treasurer shall disburse money only after approval of the Executive Board, or the President.  The Treasurer shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable from any source whatsoever.  The Treasurer shall keep a full and accurate set of books which shall be open to inspection by the Executive Board at any time.  The Treasurer shall propose an annual budget.  The Treasurer and President or Vice-President shall cosign all transactions.  The Treasurer shall provide quarterly financial reports at the Regular Meetings.  The Treasurer’s report shall be available to any Voting Member upon request.
  • Parliamentarian - Shall ensure that the association adheres to established rules of order; be knowledgeable in Roberts Rules of Order and the Association Bylaws, and shall be advisor to the presiding officer of any meeting of the Association, the Executive Board or any of its committees in parliamentary matters. The Parliamentarian shall have such other duties and powers as may be, from time to time, prescribed by the Executive Board, or the President of the Association. 
  • Historian/Archivist - Shall be responsible for documenting all Association activities, maintaining the archives of AAFSA consisting of reports, newsletters, press articles, photographs, videos, annual calendars and past events.  The Historian/Archivist shall collect and catalog Association documents, materials, and permanent records.


Section 2 - The outgoing President shall serve on the AAFSA Executive Board as an ex-officio member for the first year of the new President's administration. 


Section 3  - The standing Executive Board will meet with the AAFSA Steering Committee at least two times per year.

ARTICLE VIII - Committees

Section 1 - To promote the mission of AAFSA, the following standing committees have been established:


  • AAFSA Member Affairs Committee - Is responsible for recruiting members and promoting faculty and staff participation to build the membership of AAFSA; keeping membership records, reporting membership totals and preparing membership lists for the use of the Association; maintaining membership business associated with recruiting and engaging potential and current members;tracking the social well-being of members (birthdays, deaths, anniversaries, promotions, awards, etc.); and providing the Marketing and Communications Committee with that information for inclusion in AAFSA communications; assisting in preparation of membership induction materials by the Marketing and Communications Committee, including: creation of certificates and packets, membership application forms and informational brochures, inventory and purchase requests of new member items, and if needed, facilitating membership induction at the General Assembly Meetings.
  • AAFSA Events and Activities Committee - Is responsible for coordinating all AAFSA social and cultural events, civic engagement activities and professional development workshops. This committee serves as a liaison to the broader campus community. The Committee will also assist in planning AAFSA general assembly meetings on a quarterly basis, to include being responsible for meeting set up and breakdown. This Committee will oversee any Ad Hoc or sub-committee created to support specific events hosted or supported by AAFSA, to include but not limited to, AAFSA Family and Friends Day.
  • Marketing and Communications Committee - Is responsible for facilitating the publication and distribution of AAFSA marketing materials and social media content; developing and maintaining the AAFSA webpage; creating advertisements for AAFSA events; publishing the AAFSA Announcements on a consistent and timely basis; sending out notice of annual dues  for the forthcoming membership year.
  • Finance Committee - Is responsible for the association’s budget preparation and implementation.  It reviews the budget prepared by the Treasurer to make sure it is consistent with the association’s goals, program of work and priorities established for a given term.  The Finance Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Board as to financial adjustments or changes needed in response to changes in the association’s environment.  The Finance Committee shall identify financial resources and sponsors to support AAFSA events, assist with the establishment of a scholarship fund for students of African descent, and assist the Treasurer with the financial affairs of the association.
  • Ad Hoc Committees - To promote the purposes of AAFSA, the President with the approval of the Executive Board, may establish ad hoc organizational and subject matter committees and appoint Voting Members to them, as deemed appropriate.


Section 2 - The outgoing AAFSA Committee Chairpersons shall serve as a committee member of the AAFSA committee previously chaired for the first year of the new Chair's administration.

ARTICLE IX - Parliamentary Authority

Section 1 - Meetings and business of AAFSA shall be conducted according to the procedures prescribed in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised (1990).


Section 1 - The President and Treasurer shall be responsible for all receipts and disbursements of funds for AAFSA.

Section 2 - AAFSA shall maintain a University account overseen by University personnel who adhere to established University guidelines and regulations.  All monies collected by AAFSA shall be received by the Treasurer, verified by the Secretary, and deposited by the President.

Section 3 - At each Regular Meeting, the Treasurer shall be prepared to, and shall report on, AAFSA’s financial condition. If the Treasurer knows that he/she cannot attend a meeting, he/she shall submit a written financial report to the President and the Officer who presides at the meeting shall read said report at the meeting.  

Section 4 - Any request for expenditure of funds from AAFSA shall be submitted in writing and reported to the Finance Committee and Treasurer. In the absence or vacancy of these positions, the current Executive Board will receive these requests. The expenditures request shall also be reported in the Minutes and distributed to the AAFSA members.

Section 5 - An annual audit of the fiscal operations of AAFSA will be conducted by an external organization or non-affiliated parties.

ARTICLE XI - Amendments

Section 1 - These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by a quorum of the Voting members present at any Regular Meeting or at any Special Meeting, if at least thirty (30) days written notice is given of intention to alter, amend or repeal or to adopt new bylaws at such meeting.

Section 2 -  In addition, if no revisions are requested within two (2) years, the current Executive Officers will announce a Bylaws Revision Period. This period will require that the current administration initiate a review of the bylaws to all voting members and to make suggestions, if any. Submission of revisions will be recorded via a Bylaws Revision Submission Form. Votes will occur as indicated in Section 1.