Regulations & Policies
Human Resources
Disciplinary Action |
Number: | 4.0260R |
Regulation Status:
Reaffirmation Responsible Division/Department: Administration & Finance / Human Resources |
Effective Date: | 02/01/06 | |
Revised Date: | 02/10/20 | |
Reaffirmed Date: | 02/10/20 |
The purpose of this regulation is to establish a process and provide guidelines for the application of disciplinary actions for University employees. This regulation is applicable to all Faculty and Staff not covered by collective bargaining agreements.
- Introduction
- Occasionally, it becomes necessary to discipline employees in order to address unacceptable behavior and/or performance. The time for a manager or supervisor to act is as soon as a problem develops. Disciplinary actions may range from oral reprimands to dismissal from the University.
- The Vice President for Human Resources, or designee, can provide advice and guidance on the discipline of Support and Administrative employees. Contact the Office of the Provost for advice and guidance on the discipline of Faculty.
- General
- Discipline is defined by the University as a method of addressing unacceptable employee behavior and/or performance. The main objective of taking disciplinary action is to provide an opportunity for the employee to recognize inappropriate behavior and/or performance and to reinforce the requirement that employees meet performance and behavioral expectations and/or behave safely and sensibly on the job.
- The University embraces the concepts of progressive and cumulative discipline. Progressive discipline is based on the concept that once an employee has been informed of the expected behavior and/or performance, when an infraction occurs, appropriate discipline will be administered progressively from minor to major penalties(e.g., reprimands to suspension to dismissal). Violations need not be identical in nature to be cumulative, and, depending on the violation and its severity, it is not required that each step in the discipline process be taken. Some violations of expected behavior and/or performance may warrant immediate dismissal.
- University employees are to receive fair treatment in the administering of progressive discipline. This will be accomplished through the establishment of reasonable performance standards necessary for orderly, safe, and efficient operations and optimum working conditions. Further disciplinary actions shall be administered in a judicious manner that ensures fair and equitable treatment for all employees.
- Discipline may only be imposed for "just cause", which includes, but is not limited to, negligence, inefficiency or inability to perform assigned duties, repeated and/or gross substandard performance of assigned duties, insubordination, violation of the provisions of law or University regulations, conduct unbecoming a public employee, misconduct, drug abuse, or conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude. Disciplinary actions shall be administered in a judicious manner that ensures fair and equitable treatment for all employees.
- Disciplinary actions include oral reprimand, written reprimand, reduction in pay, disciplinary demotion, suspension, and dismissal (reduction in pay and disciplinary demotion are not "steps" in progressive discipline, but are generally equivalent to a suspension).
- Disciplinary actions may be subject to provisions of the University Grievance Policy.
References: 1001.74, FS.; 1001.75, FS. and relevant Collective Bargaining Agreements
History: NEW 2-1-06; Repealed 6C9-4
Adopted by the University of North Florida Board of Trustees as part of the University's Personnel Program on January 26, 2006.
Formerly 4.012