Regulations & Policies
Human Resources
Promotion and Change in Assignment |
Number: | 4.0240P |
Policy Status:
New Responsible Division/Department: Office of the President / Human Resources |
Effective Date: | 02/01/06 | |
Revised Date: | 07/02/08 |
The purpose of this policy is to establish the parameters for promotion and change of assignment of University employees.
Promotion and change in assignment shall be administered consistent with the following provisions.
- Promotion
- Non-unit Faculty promotion is the appointment to a higher academic or equivalent rank or class and may also be combined with an application for tenure.
- The criteria for promotion shall include meeting the minimum qualifications for appointment to the rank or position, increased skill in teaching, increased knowledge in the field of specialty, increased recognition as an authority in the field, and potential for professional growth.
- The University shall provide for non-unit Faculty participation in developing promotion recommendations and other procedures and criteria for Faculty promotion.
- Administrative employee promotion is the appointment to another position or class with substantially increased responsibilities, or a Regular assignment of substantially increased responsibilities for the existing classification. An employee must meet the minimum qualifications for the position to which promoted.
- Support employee promotion is the appointment to a class or position with substantially increased responsibilities. An employee must meet the minimum qualifications for the position to which promoted.
- Upon promotion, the employee's appointment modifier shall be determined pursuant to the provisions of the Personnel Program.
- An employee who has earned Regular status in the class to which promoted shall be promoted with Regular status.
- Promoted employees who are unable to meet the requirements of the new position within the probationary period shall be returned to their previous position or to a comparable position within the University, provided such position is then available.
- Change in Assignment
- Non-unit Faculty with administrative responsibilities serve at the will of the University President and may, at any time, receive a change in classification or assignment. Employees with tenure or Regular status shall not have such status affected by the change in classification or assignment.
- An Administrative or Support employee change in assignment is the appointment to a different position in the same class or in a different class having the same pay range maximum.
- If a Support employee who has not attained Regular status in the current class receives a change in assignment to a different position in the same class, the employee's status remains the same until the probationary period designated for the class has been successfully completed.
- A Support employee with or without Regular status in the current class who receives a change in assignment to a different position in a different class shall be given probationary status in the new class if the employee meets the minimum qualifications for the position; however, if the employee previously held Regular status in the class to which reassigned, the change in assignment shall be with Regular status.
- Demotion
- A demotion is an appointment to a class or position having less responsibility.
- Upon demotion, a Support employee's appointment modifier shall be determined pursuant to the provisions of the Personnel Program; however, if the employee previously held Regular status in the class to which demoted, the demotion shall be with Regular status.
- A demotion may result in a decrease in salary.
Adopted by the University of North Florida Board of Trustees as part of the University's Personnel Program on January 26, 2006; Revised June 2, 2008.