Project PREP’s Systems Approach to Renewing the Educator Pipeline
Points of Pride:
- Project PREP is a five-year $6.5 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
- Project PREP (or PREP) is a collaborative systemic approach to building an educator pathway to enhance the recruitment, preparation, induction, and retention of teachers and teacher leaders across the educator pipeline.
- Project PREP will involve over 50 faculty from the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services (SCOEHS) and the College of Arts and Sciences (COAS) as well as school partners from Clay County School District.
- Project PREP is not only the largest grant that the SCOEHS has received, but it is also the largest grant the university has received.
- Project PREP brings together Clay County District Schools and UNF to align and design experiences that reduce redundancy and increase efficiency.
Multiple Entry Points in the Pipeline:
- Clay County high school students in dual enrollment SCOEHS courses
- Undergraduate teacher preparation/certification in the SCOEHS and internships in Clay County Schools
- New teacher induction programs with Clay County Schools and the SCOEHS
- Teacher leadership through district certificates and graduate certificates stackable towards a UNF Master's in Education
- School and District Leader learning through:
- Clay County’s Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- UNF M.Ed. in Educational Leadership
- UNF Educational Doctorate in Educational Leadership or Curriculum and Instruction
Outcomes Measured:
- Prepare teachers to graduate and obtain high need certifications
- Ehance teacher retention
- Prepare school leaders to develop teachers and build a positive school environment
- Develop a systemic approach to foster high levels of achievement for all students
2023 - 2024 in Numbers
Enrollment and Participation
- 24 Clay County District Schools (CCDS) students participated in the 2023 Summer Bridge Program
- 9 out of 15 2023 Summer Bridge Seniors have applied to UNF
- 3 Summer Bridge Seniors have committed to UNF
- 14 CCDS students participated in UNF Virtual Teaching Academy
- 4 UNF students participated in the PREP Undergraduate Junior Experience
- 12 UNF students participated in the PREP Yearlong Internship Experience
- 13 CCDS faculty participating in the Teacher Leadership Certificate masters coursework
- 5 CCDS faculty participating in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership
- 7 CCDS faculty participating in the UNF Ed.D. program
- 55 individuals participated in PREP-aligned UNF coursework during the 2023-2024 academic year
- 19 CCDS teachers mentored PREP teacher candidates
- 16 UNF teacher candidates supported CCDS schools by engaging in classroom instruction and participating in school and community events such as fall festival, spring fling, skate station fundraisers, and math, reading and science nights
Professional Learning
- Hosted transformational sessions to support 19 high quality CCDS mentor teachers in their role as school-based teacher educators
- Hosted innovative sessions to support inclusive classrooms and high-leverage practices
- Supported teacher leaders through the inaugural "CCDS Teacher Leader Showcase"
PREP Badging
- Developed PREP badging system alongside the UNF Center for Instruction and Research Technology
- 3 initial badges were created and 10 badges are in process
- Students in two sections of EDG 6067 (Teacher Inquiry) participated in the UDL Badge designed by Dr. Suzanne Ehrlich
Research and Scholarship
- 8 PREP National Association for School-University Partnerships (NASUP)
- 10 NASUP Teacher Research Presentations by PREP interns
- 1 Association of Teacher Educators Presentation
- 1 Publication in SRATE
College and Program Enhancements
- CCDS has launched Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) clubs in 7 high schools for the 2024 - 2025 school year