Jamey Burns
Lead Infusion Architect
Dr. Jamey Burns is the Director of Professional Development and Clinical Practice, Project InTersect, and the Lead Infusion Architect for Project PREP, in the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services at the University of North Florida. She loves to innovate and collaborate, so these current projects were the perfect match. On both projects she is teaching and designing professional learning for faculty, administration, district staff, teachers and teacher candidates. She received her doctorate in Education in Curriculum, Teaching and Teacher Education at the University of Florida. Her Master’s degree, which she also received from the University of Florida is in Special Education. She has more than 15 years experience working in professional learning. She has designed and led professional development in multiple areas including: systems change, leadership, inquiry/action-research, instructional coaching/mentoring, teacher lesson-study, communities of practice, and student engagement/collaboration and STEM+C. She is an author of Inquiring into the Common Core (Corwin) and has published articles and book chapters highlighting her extensive work with turnaround schools and systems. In addition to her current full-time role, she also enjoys consulting for Learning Forward and other organizations and schools.