Mascagnia macroptera - Yellow orchid vine

Family Malpighiaceae
Approximately 50 species of Mascagnia are native from Mexico through South America. The yellow orchid vine is an evergreen vine from Mexico. The stems climb by twining around a slender support. Showy clusters of yellow flowers are followed by seed capsules with four or five large wings. It flowers for several months through the warm season. Although the seed capsules are conspicuous, it does not produce many viable seeds.
See plants on the wood fence between buildings 5 and 6.
This is a relatively small, slow growing vine with stems to about twelve to fifteen feet high.
Care Instructions:
Light: full sun
Water: drought tolerant when established
Soil: well-drained, otherwise no special requirements
This is a reliable vine for well-drained soils in northeast Florida. Its relatively small size makes it a good candidate for a fence or small trellis. A single winged seed looks very much like a butterfly (see photo above.).