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Brooks College of Health

Primary Objectives

  • Increase access to mental health and physical and emotional wellness services with times and locations convenient to students with embedded counselors providing extended non-traditional coverage hours based upon the needs of the students and the site. 
  • Increase student engagement in mental health, wellness and resiliency activities to support student perception of a ‘campus of caring’ by providing frontline counselors to establish rapport before the student needs them. 
  • Lead prevention activities with campus and community partners to decrease stress and stigma associated with mental health concerns and stage of life transition phases typical for the college-aged student. 
  • Provide early intervention support, psycho-education and process groups for students experiencing challenges and seeking support in a community vs clinical setting. 
  • Incorporate creative/experiential counseling techniques such as art, music, movement, creative writing and animal assisted therapy to engage students in resiliency building using non-pathology-oriented approaches to symptom relief. 
  • Deliver a comprehensive holistic health and wellness program with specialized nutrition education and exercise science interventions to encourage the promotion of “Food and Exercise as Medicine” for physical and mental wellness. 
  • Training mental health providers and interns in assessment, referral and integration of nutrition/dietetic and exercise science methods for holistic approaches to balancing neurochemical imbalances that result in mood symptoms and/or physical or cognitive impairment. 
  • Interface and support other intervention programs in a multi-tiered approach to campus culture change such as: Kognito (online, interactive training simulations for faculty, staff, and students on supporting students in distress), Mental Health First Aid (a national program that teaches skills on how to respond to the signs of mental illness and substance abuse), and expansion of services provided by licensed counselors in the Counseling Center. 
  • Provide a full continuum of care for students identified as at risk for failure and/or perpetuating a risk to other students as identified by SOS (Supporting our Students team) and Student Conduct. 
  • Deliver an outstanding clinical training experience for select Brooks College of Health graduate students who excel in their dedication to clinical competence, social justice and community service and the objectives of their clinical profession preparing them to be the healthcare leaders of tomorrow. 
  • Implement and evaluate a working model of integrative medicine combining three clinical disciplines and public health education to holistically respond to student and community needs. 
  • Pilot the Brooks College of Health Initiative for Interprofessional Development & Research; a multi-specialty inter-disciplinary faculty led and supervised graduate and undergraduate training program and research laboratory specializing in the discovery and promotion of evidence-based practices in integrative and collaborative healthcare to prepare students to treat the whole person for optimum effectiveness.