Certificates in International Education
As a demonstration of UNF’s commitment to global citizenship, the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services offers two separate post-baccalaureate certificates in International Education; one at the undergraduate level and one at the graduate level.
It should be noted that this is not a stand-alone certificate-- rather taken concurrently with a degree program in teacher education or the professional education minor.
Students admitted into any teacher education degree seeking program should apply for admission into the certificate program in the same manner they would be applying for a second or dual major.
It will appear online as a secondary program with the major in education serving as the primary program.
Undergraduate Certificate in International Education
Program of Study
Minimum of 15 credits
EDF 2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators
EEX 3202 Psychology & Sociology for the Exceptional learner
EEX 3202(H) Psychology & Sociology for the Exceptional Learner (Honors)
EEX 4616 Classroom Management of Learners with Exceptionalities
EDG 4410 Classroom Management and Communication
Select one Study Abroad Option Below:
EEX 4861 Internship (3-12 credits)
EDE 4943 Practicum II: Student Internship (3-12 credits)
ESE 4943 Student Internship (3-12 credits)
EEX/EDG/ESE 4905 Independent Study and Research (3-credits)
Graduate Certificate in International Education
EDF 6607 Education in American
EDG 6687 Multicultural and Urban Foundations of Education
EEX 5033 Foundations of Special Education
TSL 6525 Cross-Cultural Communication and Knowledge
TSL 6700 Issues in ESOL for School Counselors
EEX 5665 Classroom Management of Learners with Exceptionalities
EDG 6407 Managing Effective Learning Environments
SDS 6931 School/Family Managing Student Behavior
Select One Study Abroad Option Below:
EEX 6841 Practicum: Special Education (3-9 credits)
EDE 6946 Student Internship (3-9 credits)
ESE 6946 Professional Internship (3-9 credits)
TSL 6940 Practicum (3 credits)
EEX 6911 Independent Study and Research (3 credits)
Professional Education Minors
Professional Education minors may earn the undergraduate International Education Certificate providing they have taken the appropriate core classes in their minor and by registering for a minimum International Field Lab experience for 3 credits.